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Community outreach with Spanish Training For Departments

Absorbing the vocabulary

I am enjoying the course a lot. I think of phrases and words in Spanish as I go through my day. I use the games a lot. In fact, that is my primary way of absorbing the vocabulary and the context of the phrases. My only suggestion, so far, is to continue to add engaging games. I would definitely recommend this course to others. I have had a semester of college Spanish (many years ago) and find that this course seems much better at teaching things I won't be afraid to "say out loud"!! I also think that this course is teaching more useful Spanish for generally being able to participate in interacting with Spanish speaking people in situations- not just medical.



I work on my Spanish regularly. I take my print outs with me and practice in the car. I also practice while I am doing other things that do not require my full attention. Some of this is easy. I can remember small things. I have trouble with whole sentences. I feel like learning the words and what they are used for is easier for me. I would recommend this on line class.

Bonnie, CA

Playing the games

Thank you. I have about ten 4-year-olds in my Pre-K class that "quiz" me on my Spanish each day. They are so cute and funny about my learning their language. The vocabulary has been quite helpful being geared toward teachers. I don't find that the course is too fast because I can review by playing the games or going through the flashcards as much as I need. I also have some Spanish experience having gone through a course with my daughter who is homeschooled. This gave me an advantage when learning to pronounce, I think. I really like that I can print out the lessons and use them as "cheat sheets" if I need to. Honestly, I'm enjoying the course. I was approved to use this course for my professional development hours. Since half of our class come from Spanish-speaking families, it seemed a no-brainer. Thank you for offering the course. The format works for me - being able to do on my time and focus on lessons that really help me.

Paula, FL

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