LanguageAuthority Reviews

Community outreach with Spanish Training For Departments

I can record myself

I got the Italian course for x-mas from my mom. It is a fun course, I love the games and the way I can record myself to hear what I sound like in Italian, that rocks. Arrivederci

Gail, Douglas, GA

Parent Teacher conference

AFter logging on the first night I went to the Parent Teacher conference section, due to the fact that the next night our school had conferences! I printed that unit and was able to use a couple of phrases right away.. not well but at least to practice. LOVING IT!!!

Marilyn. Palo Alto, CA

Spread the word

I am not only using the spanish I have learned on a daily basis- I use some it of (where applicable) in conversations outside of my job. I appreciate the course you have offered. However, I have one suggestion. You should have a referral bonus for current or past students to recruit new students to this course. Possibly an extended amount of time for the referral- or something relative. Just a thought- but a carrot like that to some would really spread the word.

Matthew, Manhattan New York, NY

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